Tate Gannhauser is the electronic music alias of Carson Stacy. Sent from the stars, born in Tennesee, but now in New Jersey, Tate started the "FR0M" triology on May 29th, 2018 after the "Seeing the Same Sun" single in October 2018. The trilogy will come to an end soon. Inspired by Blade Runner, Trance music, Boards of Canada, and messages from other worlds, Tate's sound has been described as "dance music for people who hate dance music", "spacetrance", and "medatation music you can dance to.". Tate uses Ableton, TranceDrive, Helm, other shareware synths, an Akai APC mini, a Launchkey Mini,an Arturia MiniLab, a Moog Werkstatt and a Berhinger Model D. Tate is planning a number of live shows streamed on the internet and in person very soon, keep checking back to this site here, Tate's twitter (@Gannhauser Music), Instagram or the offical Gannhauser Central Discord Channel (https://discord.gg/j5WzyWY).